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You have heard all the stuff, right?  Embrace Change! Roll with the flow! Stand in one place too long and you’ll fall behind!  If you are green, you are growing, and if you are ripe, you rot! Getting better really means getting better at accepting change.  Organizations that create value create their own markets into the future.  True change happens when success is achieved in front of the economic curve–not behind it.  This program focuses on the Ten Cans of Change and why our job as leaders is to become the Opener.

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Have you ever had something that was driving you crazy (besides your kids)? Have you every had a problem staring you right in the face until your eyes crossed?  Have you wondered why organizations are so consumed with delivering better service but always seem to get worse at every turn? Well, it’s simple. Organizations do not deliver better service.  People do.  In this powerful, very funny, and insightful workshop attendees will explore how to serve and care for the customers needs—and leave understanding the difference between service and servitude.

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Getting up every morning and preparing ourselves for work is a daily ritual.  We dress ourselves appropriately and even wash our vehicles to make a good impression on others. But what are we doing about our face?  Discover humor’s place in the office and its importance in our daily interactions with customers, coworkers, and family members. In this lively and hilarious presentation, you will learn what makes laughter the best medicine of all when it comes to customer service, sales, and leadership in a team environment.

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For most of us, dealing with change is like having a wart.  If it’s somewhere we can’t look at it everyday, we try to forget about it. And if it’s somewhere we can see it, we want to get rid of it as soon as possible!  Change is the one thing you can count on being constant in a world that never stops spinning.  Change drives our everyday life and is the number one cause of stress and anxiety. So, if it is so predictable, what can we do to harness it?   This amusing session is designed to reboot and reset you master computer – the brain – and to enable you to work and play smarter in an ever-changing environment.

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This is a must workshop for everyone preparing for management and leadership. It is the misunderstood and most slippery slope of organizational empowerment.  No one really gets hurts by twisting the truth a little – right?  Everyone wants to do the right thing, right?  Nope!  We want to do the easy thing.  In this empowering and life changing presentation everyone will leave with a new understanding of – and appreciation for – the power of self-ethical monitoring.

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Serving to our full potential will always be an issue for those who excel in their industry. During the sports season, athletes become champions with great performances. However, the season did not make them great – the off-season did.  During this workshop you will learn how to increase your skills so that when the winning season comes, your team will be ready!

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Have you ever felt that leading your team is like herding worms?  Everyone’s heading in a different direction?  Have you ever wondered why people do what they do?  Do you find it distracting when some employees excel while dealing with others is like pushing rope?  Would you like to live in a perfect world? So would I.  Finally, a training program that helps you see why managing some folks is easier than managing others!  During this upbeat seminar you will learn how to inspire the uninspired and lead the unleadable.  This is a must-see program for anyone who supervises anyone.

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The stock market is fluctuating and things are looking bad. The last economist you heard said that there will be a down-turn in buying and selling. A guy in the Wal-Mart line said things are awful and getting worse. Now let’s stop for a minute and evaluate what we know.  Analysts always see doom and gloom – that makes it easier to justify their jobs.  Economists have predicted twelve of the last two recessions.  I’m not even going to discuss the line at the supermarket…  Isn’t that where the National Enquirer is displayed?  You should be celebrating!  While everyone is distracted, you have a chance to excel.  Success is a lot more than money. It’s about laughter, joy, fun, life, and relationships.  This hilarious session will enable you to invest in yourself and your self-worth through proven effectiveness techniques.

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Everyone has run out of the necessities of life: bread, milk, eggs, butter–and whack. What’s whack? Oh, you may not know what it is, but you have run out of it many times. So where do we go when we are out of whack? We go back to the basics. This lighthearted look at the essentials of effective leadership will help get your whack back. During this presentation you will learn to: 

  • Watch your life balance and be where you are right now.
  • Help team members perform better and have more fun.
  • Align your goals with those of your customer.
  • Communicate and relate better with everyone.
  • Know the warning signs of being out of whack.
  • Relax and laugh As Dr. Henry helps you Get Your Whack Back!
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